Most people understand how vital it is to have working smoke alarms to warn of a fire. But home fire sprinklers are not as well known or understood. The audience will have the opportunity to witness how quickly a fire can spread and will see a fire sprinkler activate firsthand.
An intentional fire will be set in two mock houses, one WITH a fire sprinkler and one WITHOUT a fire sprinkler. Each mock house will be furnished with everyday items that you might find in your own living room – a recliner, table, curtains and decorations. The side-by-side comparison will show both the danger of fire and the effectiveness of sprinklers.
The AFPS team has been working feverishly to construct a one of a kind, custom built side-by-side trailer!
The event is in conjunction with the Northwest Florida Tri-County Fair. Bring the family and enjoy the rides after the demonstration!
This demonstration has been made possible through assistance from the Florida Fire Sprinkler Association, Ocean City-Wright Fire Control District and Advanced Fire Protection Services.