Home Fire Sprinklers
More than 4,000 people die nationwide each year from fires. Fire sprinklers save lives, reduce property damage and may even lower your insurance premiums. Installing both smoke alarms and a fire sprinkler system reduces the risk of death in a home fire by 82%, according to the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition. On average, the cost of installing fire sprinklers in your home (new construction or existing home) is similar to upgrading your flooring.
of fire deaths happen at home
say a sprinklered house has MORE value
of U.S. homeowners said they'd be more likely to buy a home with fire sprinklers than one without
say fire sprinklers provide the ultimate protection for residents
Data collected by the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition.
Did you know that 9 out of 10 fire deaths occur in the home? Even scarier is that most of these fatal fires occur at night when your family is sleeping. Fires can grow and travel very quickly, destroying a home in a matter of minutes. Fire sprinklers activate automatically and will extinguish a fire before it has the chance to engulf a home allowing your family time to escape safely. Often times the fire is completely extinguished before the fire department arrives.
Our experienced team will design and build a fire sprinkler system that suits your needs – whether it be in an existing home or new construction. Contact us today!